What to Expect

FBC Ashville is located on Hwy 231 just across from the county courthouse in St. Clair County Alabama. When you arrive at the church campus, you’ll notice we have designated parking in front of our newest building for Senior Adults and for Guests. Feel free to park in the guest parking and come in the double glass doors of that building you’re closest to. If the guest parking spaces are full, you can drive around behind the building where we have much more parking available. Whether you come in the double glass doors upstairs or downstairs in that building beside our sanctuary, you should find a friendly face to welcome you and help you find a place to plug in.
We have Bible study groups on Sunday mornings at 9am, for children, teenagers, and adults. We don’t have a dress code, so you will find people dressed from business casual to relaxed casual.

Our children’s ministry is located downstairs in that same building and we have classes for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary school kids in that area. We have classes for middle and high school students upstairs in that building. Other Bible Study groups meet all over the campus for every age and stage of life, and we have plenty of members who will be happy to help you find a group.

Our worship service begins in the sanctuary at 10am each Sunday. We have childcare provided for babies and toddlers. Our kids stay in the worship service with us while we sing, and then we have a time for them to come forward and sit with the Pastor before 2nd grade and below are dismissed for children’s church. Our worship service usually last about an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes.

We look forward to having you with us!